Video module

This modules offers youtube and vidmeo video integration for the CondationCMS.

Integrate via shortcode

In markdown

This example integrates a youtube video in markdown.

[[video type="youtube" id="y0sF5xhGreA" title="Everybody loves little cats" /]]

In Template code

This example integrates a youtube video template code via calling the shortcode. For the example thymleaf template was uses.

[(${'video', #{'type' : 'youtube', 'id': 'y0sF5xhGreA', 'title' : 'Everybody loves little cats'})})]

Use an thumbnail and click to play

This example integrates a youtube video template code with and thumbnail preview and click to play. The youtube iframe is created on click via javascript.

[(${'video', #{'type' : 'youtube', 'id': 'y0sF5xhGreA', 'title' : 'Everybody loves little cats', 'overlay' : true, 'thumbnail': '/assets/thumbnails/mountains.jpg', 'autoplay': 'true'})})]

ShortCode parameters

ParameterPossible valuesDefault value
typeyoutube or vimeo""
idThe id of the video""
titleThe video title""
fullscreenallow fullscreenfalse
autoplayenable autoplayfalse
controlsshow controlstrue
mutedplay video mutedfalse
loopplay video in loopfalse
startthe time to start thefor youtube number in seconds like '60', for vimeo a string like '1m2s'
overlayenable the thumbnail and only integrate the video on clickfalse
thumbnailthe url of the thumbnail""